Monday, September 24, 2012

Why you need HOLD

                 Most people don't want to own investment property because they are afraid of the management side , HOLD gives you details on using a property management company , I ask you to look  10 to 20 years out with you life and ask If I don't do anything different what does my financial future look like ? Do you have enough money to do what you need to do like travel, pay for your kids college , or take care of an aging parents? Take HOLD of you're future today !! If you don't who will? If not now when?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Take HOLD of Your Life


As I recently traveled across the country, I cannot help to believe now more than ever, if we don't design our lives somebody or someone else will! We tend to under estimate what we can do in five years and over estimate what we can do in a short period , we also don't think about what our lives will look like 5, 10 , 15 or 20 years from today . We have become a group of people who want it yesterday, we are after instant gratification. And yet a truly perfect life takes planning and working specifically for a Pre-planned goal in the future. I have discovered great things in our lives come from faith based work done today that will reap us great rewards later in our future. Have you ever tried to explain to a 30 year old they will need more income in the future and they won't always have the energy to work as hard or as passionately? So the old saying “make hay while the sun shines” means more than you realize. So let freedom Ring! And take HOLD of your financial future now!